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The main man! Mr Bumble.

Updated: Nov 24, 2019

Wonderful reports for the Kentish Cat Society 19th October 2019.

R/OLYM MOLLOYS' UKIGRCH SIMCRIS MR. BUMBLE (EXO a 03 24) M 05.05.16. Ever since I saw this Blue Spotted Tabby and White Exotic boy as a little baby kitten, I have been in love. For me, he has it all. Wonderful typy head with the neatest of tiny ears, gob-stopper eyes of copper, chunky rounded cheeks and a perfectly balanced firm chin. Low cobby body with excellent boning, covered in a dense pale blue coat and crystal clear white showing subtle spotted tabby markings.

Thick well ringed, in proportion tail. The great thing about Mr. Bumble (don't you just love the name) is that he is passing his super looks on to his babies. I wish him well on his Olympian journey. My congratulations on your BIS Adult win.

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